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NEW VIP Loyalty Program for HS Senior Photos

Kristin Prideaux

There are TONS of photographers here in Stillwater MN. My business appreciates every client and their choice to trust me with photographing their High School Senior at a very important time in their life.

I just launched the new Argente Photographie VIP Loyalty Program to thank all of you that make the effort to help my local, woman owned, small business grow. AND to build a fun community of teens who love getting their photo taken, helping in the community and telling others about it.

Earn Point by sharing, writing, purchasing and participating.

Earn Points:

Earn Point by sharing on Social Media, word of mouth, and participating in community volunteer events.

20 Points - For each Follow or Share on Social Media (FB, IG, TWITTER, TIKTOK)

100 Points - For each Purchase or BIRTHDAY!

250 Points - for each written testimonial, Google Review, FB Review, or About Me Questionnaire

500 Points - for each directly trackable referral

750 Points - for Community Service activity hosted by Argente Photographie


The Perks: End of Year Party, put on the Model Call List, Studio TakeOvers and discounts .

Reach 250 Points - Invitation to Model Calls

Reach 500 Points - End of Year Appreciation Party (before the end of summer) with food & beverages. Theme/Location to be determined.

Reach 750 Points - Host a Studio TakeOver (Dec-March) with 2 of your friends

Reach 1000 Points - get 25 Free 5x7 Grad Cards ($60 Value)

Some of this is easily trackable though a new app on my website. Otherwise, I am way ahead in the innovative rewards program so I need to enter in and adjust your point total manually. So work with me and let me know when you have performed these tasks.

The Rewards Points don't expire, so if you still have an upcoming Senior, or if you are a family or corporate client, you can earn the points as well. You can have those free grad cards for when you are ready!


Sign up to become a member of my website and you are enrolled to become a Loyalty Member.

To start this program off I have added points to your membership, let me know if you think we need to adjust them!



© 2017 Kristin Prideaux / Proudly created with

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